Our initiative at the EIP-SCC  

Some of our leading members had a long collaboration with the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC) participating in several initiatives and organising workshops mostly about engagement and co-creation.

From experience in facilitating models and tools to better engage with citizens, it became clear that Sustainable Cities is not a bottom-up or top-down approach. It is a side-by-side co-creation process.

Urban stakeholders and their representative governments must meet half-way! That requires a new urban foundation adopting new instruments (like anticipatory regulation), innovative regulatory frameworks (like sandboxes) and a fixed urban structure open for co-creation (Policy Labs).

EIP-SCC is the central marketplace for most Smart City solution providers and is attracting investors to fund some initiatives. The reason why was rebranded as EU Smart Cities Marketplace.

As an EIP-SCC initiative, our role is to bridge everyone’s interests in a partnership for sustainable development of the local community. 

Our focus is to provide the tools and the urban structures to efficiently develop a Future Building Ecosystem, delivering to all stakeholders the necessary conditions to thrive sustainably.

As we’ve been saying for a long time:

Progress and quality of living improvements are the replicating formulae for sustainable cities! 

Our initiative’s success in bringing to life great implementations has been critical to expanding our European Network of City Policy Labs and the success of many private companies listed on the EIP-SCC marketplace.

From an EU Smart City Marketplace initiative, Innovate.city is now a not-for-profit foundation for urban innovation with headquarters in Eindhoven. We are the best gateway to connect solution providers, city investors, policymakers, local communities and governments in a mission-oriented approach to sustainable development. 

Let’s face the facts: there is no capacity from the private or public sector alone to deal with the future demand of a sustainable city transformation. A smart city can only be possible when all stakeholders are involved co-investing in the better common good!

Our blended implementation model is designed to benefit every member of the EU Smart City Marketplace by connecting each other towards a city mission. 

Join our initiative when joining the EU Smart Cities Marketplace and the benefit of a guide and our participation models.

Innovate.city initiative at the EIP-SCC (now EU Smart City Marketplace) created the European Network of City Policy Labs. Because we perceived that if all cities share similar challenges and visions, then the smartest way to implement it is by joining forces.


Our initiative at the EIP-SCC is open to everyone and every contribution counts! From businesses, academia, citizens or local governments you are a valuable contribution to a network of sustainable citymakers!

Join our initiative @EIP-SCC



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