Energy As A Service
How to manage Energy Transition? Municipalities will soon hire a new CDO (Chief Decarbonisation/Digitalisation/Decentralisation Officer) or simplify by adopting Energy-As-A-Service.
Cognitive City
What can we expect from a city's digital transformation? A thriving community co-living with predictive edge technologies that impact our daily lives.
How to build a Smarter City with the same Municipal Budget? The critical principle is Smart Collaboration. From policy labs to Holacratic or DAO cities, local governments must master collaboration.
Mobility Transition
Will the future be within a walking range or high-speed transport? Both. In a cognitive city, mobility will be predictively on demand and rapidly accessible. It is time to move into the future!
How to develop thriving communities? Innovation is the foundation of progress and the result of communities co-creating solutions. The local economy will depend on its innovation-led ecosystem.

Jorge Saraiva