Co-creation needs a canvas.
Co-creation needs a canvas.
People have demonstrated having both the ability and the will to be the change the world needs!
Over 2200 participants in the EUvsVirus and hundreds of volunteer platforms shows the future will be co-created. However, only less than 3% of the projects listed in the world’s largest hackathon have been considered. It is not due to low quality from most attendees, but due to a limitation from the existing model. Better use of collective intelligence requires a standardised and straightforward model for co-creation!
That simple assumption inspired a master thesis with the collaboration of UN University on eGov and Smart Cities.
The result is a canvas for Sustainable Innovation!
The goal is to bring together all stakeholders (governments, academia, businesses and citizens) into a co-creation process of Open Innovation 2.0.

The Sustainable Innovation Canvas will assist stakeholders in proposing and adding value to the new urban solution generating a thriving upward spiral to their ecosystem.
We believe the next normality will be co-created in Future Building Ecosystems.
A network of FBE will play a critical role in sharing best practices enabling a free flow of stakeholders to fill gaps in cities where they are needed.
Digital tools are also being developed to provide scalability and speed to the ‘new normal’ way to innovate. Time is crucial if we all take the Paris Agreement and the green deal seriously.
Be a professional trainer of the Sustainable Innovation Canvas.
We are preparing a “train the trainer” program to qualify professional trainers to FBE use the Sustainable Innovation Canvas.
If you are interested or wish to know more about our certifications, please join our community of future builders!
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